Ready to go: it works offline without any further file to download!
♦ More than 318000 english definitions and large number of inflected forms
♦ You can leaf through words using your finger!
♦ Manage your bookmarks, personal notes and search history
♦ Crossword help: the symbol ? can be used in place of single unknown letter. The symbol * can be used in place of any group of letters. The fullstop symbol . can be used to mark the end of a word.
♦ Random search button (shuffle), useful to learn new words
♦ Share word definition using other apps, like gmail or whatsapp
♦ Compatible with Moon+ Reader, FBReader and other applications via share button
♦ Backup&restore configuration, personal notes and bookmarks on local memory, Google Drive, Dropbox and Box clouds (available only if you have installed these applications on your device)
♦ Camera search via OCR Plugin, available only on devices with back camera. (Settings->Floating Action Button->Camera). The OCR Plugin has to be downloaded from Google Play.
Your settings
♦ Black and white themes with user defined text colors (press menu-->select Settings-->click on Theme)
♦ Optional Floating Action Button (FAB) supporting one of the following actions: Search, History, Favorites, Random search and Share option; Optional shake action with similar actions.
♦ Persistent Search option to get automatic keyboard at startup
♦ Text to speech options, including selection of British or American accent (press menu-->select Settings-->click on Text to Speech-->select Language)
♦ Number of items in history
♦ Customable font size and line spacing, default screen orientation
♦ Start up option: home page, most recent word, random word or word of the day
♦ No voice output? Please follow instructions here:
Note: word pronunciation works only if voice data have been installed in your phone (Text-to-speech engine).
♦ In case you have a Samsung device with Android 6 and you got problems with voice output, please use the default Google TTS (text to speech) engine instead of Samsung engine
♦ Question & Answers:
♦ Keep safe your bookmarks and notes, please read:
♦ Information about permissions used by the application can be found here:
In case Moon+ Reader does not list my dictionary: open pop-up "Customize dictionary" and select "Open dictionary directly when Long-Tap on a word"